Mere Cricket Club News story

Anticipated opener falls foul of weather!!

28 Apr 2012

Despite heroic efforts by our head groundsman Mark Williams, the game against Bruton was called off early on Saturday (just before Britain's Got Talent) by Mere's biggest Simon Cowell fan Kevin Whitmore. This meant he could stay up until the early hours texting for his favourite act and not have to worry about his lack of cricketing talent being the reason he started our league season as he left off last year.

Mere being the highly professional and dedicated outfit that it is had already arranged a 2 hour net session at Warminster starting at 9am Sunday morning. Organised by last year's captain Matt Pitts this showed either a severe guilt complex at having missed most of our pre-season practice nets or a window on his social life these days at being able to rise before midday on a Sunday!
