Mere Cricket Club News story

TOUR DATES RELEASED...Some tickets still available!!

22 May 2013

Friday 12th July to Sunday 14th July - 2013 TOUR

Yes you read it correctly, TOUR! Those of you who enjoyed the 2012 MCC Olympic Tour to Weymouth are not going to be disappointed by the 2013 MCC Ashes Legends Tour. The final details are being confirmed as I write. The itinerary will be similar and cost will be the same as last year £150 to cover travel, match fees, 2 nights accommodation, celebrity appearances...

  Register your Interest by greasing the Treasurer's or the Captain's palm with £50. It's always a good idea to be the first to pay and never a good idea to be the last to pay (as some if you might remember). We're looking for 12 hardy souls to take the Friday afternoon off work and return lunch time Sunday. Don’t be shy, put yourself forward. More details will follow in due course...


Skipper/ Social Sec